Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Pony Tail is Not Just a Hairdo

My latest obsession is the show "Police Women of Broward County" on TLC. This show is seriously addicting, evident in my tuning in for new episodes every Thursday night (I don't know if this marks me as a loserish kind of girl but oh well, the secret is out). One day I will take a vacation/road trip to Broward county, because I am convinced that I will be on the show as some sort of extra (not as a criminal, just as a background cool chick). It's a great show, definitely worth watching.

My Mom used to hate me wearing a pony tail. She would always tell me how I looked so much better without the pony, but I was never convinced. My pony tail was a security blanket, you know? I was a middle school student and a sort of a tom boy. Not only was my pony tail a hair style, it was also a part of my identity. No matter how important my swishy tail was my Mom was convinced it was holding me back. That is, until one day I read an article in the newspaper about powerful women who wore their hair in a pony tail, quite like mine. These women included Jane Gooddall, Lisa Leslie, among others like the police women of Broward county. I distinctly remember showing my Mom the article, confidently standing there in my kitchen (proudly sporting my pony tail). I hung up the article clipping in my bedroom as a reminder that these women were powerful, wore their hair in pony tails, and most importantly were changing the world.

So, as I watch silly cop shows about police women, shows that are packed full of drama and theatrics, it is a reminder of my article (an article that was ruined by a nasty hurricane a couple of years ago). These women risk their lives every day to keep the streets a little safer and are truly wonderful role models. With a world full of reality television shows about careless women in tight clothes who whine about their petty problems, it's nice to see butt kicking women getting their share of the spotlight. I know that some little girl out there, wearing her brother's hand me down t-shirts, in a pony tail, and no make up will find inspiration like I did with that pony tail article. Sometimes life is just kind of funny like that.

Enough sentimental gobbledygook for one night and remember to rock the pony!

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