Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Traveling Sister

My sister has come home! Yay! The momster and I went to the airport yesterday to pick her up and spent most of our time waiting for the plane that never seemed to have a distinct arrival time. Never fear, we kept busy by walking around arrivals and riding the moving sidewalks. It was very entertaining!

I am just so glad that my sister had such a great time and that she had a safe journey too. She also came home bearing gifts, such a surprise! For her surprise, I made her favorite meal/snacky poo: macaroni salad. I even made hard boiled eggs, I felt like Betty Crocker! Anyways, it was delicious and I hope that she enjoyed it!

(Egg cracking skills)

(pasta yumm)

From Paris, my sister bought me a tea cup inspired by Marie Antoinette and a poster of the Moulin Rougue.

Also from Paris, my sister bought my mom a bottle of wine

From Germany, my sister bought my brother a t-shirt (no picture available) from a famous brewery. She also got my dad a stein, which went along with our father's day gift of imported beer.

From Switzerland we all got chocolate! yum!

(regine's little butt is in the picture, sniffing out her food in the pantry)

Can't wait to see more pictures of her amazing trip!

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